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Frame Agent Setup Tool

The Frame Agent Setup Tool (FAST) is used to install Frame Agent, Frame drivers, and Frame tools on your template image. FAST is also used to keep the Frame components on your template image(s), Sandboxes, Utility server(s), and persistent desktops up-to-date, regardless of infrastructure or instance types being used.

When using FAST to prepare a template image for use in Frame, RDP will continue to function (unlike the Frame Guest Agent Installer). Once the template image is used by Frame to provision workload VMs in a Frame account, administrators will need to enable the RDP Debug Mode feature to access Frame-managed workloads via RDP.

  1. Before using FAST to install, update, or remove Frame components, ensure that there is a valid backup of the VM.
  2. FAST is not a package repair tool. If you encounter issues with broken MSI installations, you will need to repair MSI installations manually or use 3rd party software tools.


In order for FAST to download the required Frame components for installation or update, the VM running FAST must be able to reach the following Internet FQDNs via tcp/443 (HTTPS), as discussed in Networking Requirements:




FAST is included in Frame-provided Windows OS images in public cloud. If you are using a Frame-provided image, the FAST executable will be in the C:\ProgramData\Nutanix\Frame\Tools folder.

  1. Download the Frame Agent Setup Tool from the Downloads page into your template image or existing Sandbox, Utility Server, and/or persistent desktops.

  2. Run the executable to launch the Frame Agent Setup Tool.


When you start FAST, FAST will try to determine the infrastructure (AHV, AWS, Azure, or GCP) and attempt to determine whether Frame Platform Commercial or Government is to be used. In cases where FAST cannot determine the Frame Platform type, a dialog box will appear:

The FAST utility has two different views: Bundle View and Updater View. When you run FAST, it will search for the Frame Guest Agent and Server components. If Frame Guest Agent cannot be found (e.g. clean Windows OS image), FAST will start in Bundle View. If Frame Guest Agent is already installed, FAST will start in Updater View.

Bundle View

When FAST is started and determines the Frame Guest Agent is not present on the VM (such as when you are preparing a template image to be used in Frame):

  1. A dialog prompt will open. Accept the terms and conditions and click the “Next” button to continue.

    FAST - Bundle View - License Agreement

  2. Click on Select All for all of the packages to be installed or install specific packages by checking the associated boxes. Frame Guest Agent and Frame Server will be installed automatically. Click the Install button to continue.

    FAST - Bundle View - Select Drivers and Tools

    Each package will be downloaded and then installed, one by one. See the example below:

    FAST - Bundle View - Installation

  3. When all components are installed, you can close the Frame Agent Setup Tool.

Updater View

When FAST is started and determines the Frame Guest Agent is present on the VM (Sandbox, Utility server, and/or Persistent Desktops), FAST will display the Updater view:

  1. Select the desired packages for update or installation by checking the associated boxes.

  2. Click the toggle located at the bottom of the window to acknowledge the machine has been backed up.

  3. Click the gear icon at the top left of the application to download and install your selected programs. FAST will not update the Frame Agent and Frame Server components, if they are up to date.

    FAST - Updater View - Gear icon to begin

  4. Accept the prompt by clicking OK.

    FAST - Updater View - Confirmation

  5. When all components are updated, you can close the Frame Agent Setup Tool.

Package Statuses

In the Updater View, FAST will display the status of each package. Defintions for each of the package status are described in the following table.

Up to DateA package found on the machine is already up-to-date with the latest version.
Update RequiredAn installed package requires an update. Failure to update could result in system instability or compatibility conflicts.
Update AvailableAn installed package has an optional update. While not required, this update could improve performance or add new features.
Not InstalledAn optional package is not installed.

Command-Line Usage

You may want to automate Frame Agent Setup Tool to update all components of your Frame virtual machines programmatically. In that case, Frame Agent Setup Tool can be executed with various arguments to orchestrate installation and updates. For example, if you execute on the Windows command line:

FrameAgentSetupTool.exe getpackages

FAST will list all missing or obsolete packages.


/?Display help
getpackagesDisplay a list of all missing/obsolete packages
getpackages jsonDisplay a list of all missing/obsolete packages in json format
installInstall all missing/obsolete packages
install only <Package1> <Package2> ...Install only provided packages
install except <Package1> <Package2> ...Install all missing/obsolete packages except provided packages
install bundleInstall all system and Frame components
install only <Package1> <Package2> bundleInstall only provided applications and all Frame system components
install except <Package1> <Package2> bundleInstall all available application except listed ones after installation of Frame system components

For VMs still not connected to Frame platform (BYO Master Image preparation), registrationmetadata argument must provided:

  • FrameAgentSetupTool.exe getpackages
  • FrameAgentSetupTool.exe install bundle

Supported Applications & Drivers

In addition to the Frame Guest Agent and Frame Server, FAST installs and updates the following drivers and tools.

Frame Audio DriverEnables Frame to properly interface with the audio card on the workload VM for use in a Frame session.
Frame Video DriverEnables Frame to properly interface with the video card on the workload VM for use in a Frame session.
Liquidware ProfileDiskEnables support for Frame Enterprise Profiles in a Frame session (non-persistent only).
Frame Pen DriverEnables support for digital pen tablets in a Frame session (requires supported endpoint device).
Frame Printer DriverEnables support for Frame Printer in a Frame session.
Frame Scanner DriverEnables support for WIA scanners in a Frame session (requires supported endpoint device).
Frame SmartCard DriverEnables support for CAC/SmartCards in a Frame session (requires supported endpoint device).
Frame USB DriverEnables support for Generic USB in a Frame session (requires supported endpoint device).
Frame AD HelperTool for troubleshooting issues with joining a Frame workload VM to an Active Directory domain.
Frame Proxy HelperTool for configuring Frame Agent to function properly with proxy servers.
Frame Sysprep HelperTool for troubleshooting and automatically resolving issues related to Windows Sysprep.

FGA Proxy Helper Tool

The FGA must be able to communicate with the Frame control plane in order for Frame Platform to be able to orchestrate and broker users into these workload VMs. If your workload VMs must connect to an outbound proxy server to reach the Internet, you will need to configure (or update) the FGA Proxy Settings once the Frame Guest Agent is installed (or if your outbound proxy server information changes). The proxy settings apply only to the Frame Guest Agent. You will need to configure the Windows proxy server settings for Windows OS and your applications separately.

The Proxy Helper tool FrameProxyHelper.exe is located in the Frame Tools directory C:\ProgramData\Nutanix\Frame\Tools.

FGA Proxy Helper Tool - Settings

FGA Proxy Helper Tool - Settings
  • Server: The IP address of the outbound proxy server.
  • Port: The desired port on the outbound proxy server.

If your proxy server requires basic authentication, you may select the "Use following credentials for authentication" and fill out the "Username" and "Password."

You can then test the settings by clicking on "Start test" and save the settings by clicking on "Save Settings".


The Frame Agent Setup Tool generates a log file for troubleshooting which is located in:


Take a look at these and if you need further assistent, open a support ticket.