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Frame Platform 23-02-23

Frame Console 3.50.0


  • Redesigned notification/tasks dropdown menu within Dashboard and Admin Console. There are now separate menus for notifications and tasks.
  • Redesigned Launchpad icon within Dashboard.
  • [Admin API] Ability to start “headless” sessions (no connected user) via new Frame Admin API endpoint. Endpoint returns the Session ID.


  • Issue where Launchpad Users are not able to properly view Account Maintenance Mode banner within their Launchpad. When Maintenance Mode is enabled, Launchpad Users would receive an incorrect error message and be unable to start a session.

Frame Gateway 9.27.0


  • Severity level for **UNSUPPORTED_LOGOFF** and **STREAMING_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT** notifications changed from Critical to Info.
  • Issue where if the shutdown of a workload VM is initiated from within the operating system (e.g., Windows power options) instead of using the Frame Gear Menu to close the session, in certain situations (e.g., Persistent Desktops configured to be always running), Frame would not be aware that the VM is powered off and incorrectly show that the VM is still in a Running state.